
The 8th event of the Vienna Evaluation Network took place on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 4-5.30pm.

TOPIC: Gender Mainstreaming in Evaluation by Angela Wroblewski (Institute for Advanced Studies)

View or download the slides (PDF): Wroblewski_VENSlides_23Jan2019

The implementation of the Gender Mainstreaming strategy within the European Union does not only require considering gender in all phases of policy development as well as in all programmes but also considering gender in their evaluation. Therefore considering gender as a cross-cutting theme in evaluation has entered the agenda. It is a pre-requisite if evaluation is to play a role in the development of a democratic and equitable society.

The presentation focuses on the question: What does the inclusion of a gender perspective in evaluation entail? Among others it means to collect and analyse data differentiated by sex, to systematically investigate the program context and the results for possible gender-specific differences and to conduct an equity-oriented assessment of program effects. This requires either the further development of existing qualitative and quantitative data and (systems of) indicators or the collection of specific primary data. Methodologies must be reflected and scrutinised with regard to their suitability for surfacing and highlighting meaningful gender issues. In addition, attention must be paid to organisational structures and the customs and processes concerning gender issues within the particular field. These aspects are addressed by the evaluation standards (e.g. DeGEval Standards). Hence, the standards contain a gender dimension which has to be addressed in order to deliver unbiased evaluation results. In the presentation the gender dimension of standards will be illustrated as well as possible approaches to deal with that in practice.

Angela Wroblewski is senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna. She has been involved for about 20 years in the evaluation of women only programmes and gender equality polices in (higher) education, science and research. She is speaker of the working group gender mainstreaming within the German Association of Evaluation (DeGEval). She holds a PhD from the University of Vienna (Sociology) and a Master’s Degree from the University of Essex (UK) in Social Science Data Collection and Analysis.

VEN events generally start with a presentation by the guest speaker. Thereafter, the participants have time to ask questions, discuss the topic, and exchange experiences, followed by informal networking and conversations.

WHEN: Wednesday,  January 23, 2019, 4-5.30pm

WHERE: The venue is Berggasse 17, the third-floor conference room of the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research. Please cross the courtyard to find the entrance left in front of you.

The Vienna Evaluation Network also celebrated its first anniversary at the event. Congratulations and a cordial thank you to all VEN supporters and advocates!