
The 29th Event of the Vienna Evaluation Network took place on June 13, 2024, 4-5.30pm CET.

Topic: Making it work: An evaluation policy at the Court

by guest speakers Judit Janković and Karen Garza Figueroa

View or download slides here

This session of the Vienna Evaluation Network explored a first ever evaluation policy in the making at the International Criminal Court (ICC). It sought feedback from participants on clarity, scope and coherence.
The ICC introduced evaluation practice in its recent history. It is marked by a modest evaluation capacity and resources, however, it is set in an independent office. As it is reaching its 7 year anniversary, the time is ripe to consider an evaluation policy to strengthen the function. The draft Evaluation Policy presented in the session has been developed in line with the UN Evaluation Group’s norm 12 on evaluation policy.
The session introduced the organisational context and challenges in which the policy is being set, the process of developing it and what the policy intends to achieve. It also outlined the theory of change that guided the development of the policy. The presenters were welcome feedback on the elements of the policy and consider if anything crucial was missing from it.
Going forward with the policy, ideas to ensure more buy-in from key stakeholders were also considered.

Judit Janković, PhD, is a Senior Evaluation Specialist at the Independent Oversight Mechanism (IOM) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, the Netherlands and an international credentialed evaluator with the Canadian Evaluation Society since 2019. Judit holds a PhD in Social Psychology and has over 22 years in research and evaluation.

Karen Garza, MSc, is an M&E and Gender-based violence Specialist. She was a visiting professional in Evaluation at the IOM of the ICC in the Hague, the Netherlands. She has worked as a consultant in diverse international development projects and as a research analyst for the Spotlight Initiative. Karen holds an MSc in International Development at the University of Edinburgh.

WHEN: Thursday, June 13, 2024, 4-5.30pm CET

WHERE: This was an online event.

The event started with a presentation by the guest speakers. After the presentation, a feedback process took place.

SAVE THE DATE for future VEN events!

Potential guest speakers who are interested in presenting may approach us with a short outline of the topic at


29th VEN Event
June 13, 2023, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Making it work: An evaluation policy at the Court
by guest speakers Judit Janković and Karen Garza Figueroa
View or download slides (PDF) here

28th VEN Event
November 23, 2023, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Hacking by the Prompt: AI and Evaluation
by guest speaker Silva Ferretti
View or download slides (PDF) here

27th VEN Event
October 19, 2023, 4-5:30pm CET
Topic: Applying Contribution Analysis: Considerations from Evaluation Practice
by guest speaker Justine Hunter
View or download the slides (PDF) here

26th VEN Event
May 25, 2023, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Evaluation and the Transformational Imperative
by guest speaker Scott Chaplowe (Monitoring and Evaluation Solutions for
Social and Environmental Change)
For the slides please contact Scott

25th VEN Event
January 26, 2023, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Improving evaluation for policy-making: lessons from the Netherlands
by guest speaker Nynke de Witte (OSCE, Head of Evaluation/Deputy Director OIO)
View or download the slides (PDF) here

24th VEN Event
November 17, 2022, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Evaluability Assessments and their practical application
by guest speakers  Sigrid Breddy & Tonka Eibs (Austrian Development Agency)
View or download the slides (PDF) here
Visit the ADA Evaluability Assessment Guidance here

22nd VEN Event
May 12, 2022, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Inclusive evaluation for gender equality: Challenges and opportunities in ensuring inclusiveness in remote evaluations
by guest speakers 
Andrea Berg, Heike Friedhoff & Anita Leutgeb
View or download the slides (PDF) here

21st VEN Event 
January, 27, 2022, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Photovoice & Photo-MSC: How to measure impact through visual participatory storytelling methods
by guest speakers Karijn Kakebeeke and Nur Hidayati
View or download the slides (PDF) here

20th VEN Event
November 18, 2021, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Evaluation of the Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe: Using a Qualitative Comparative Analysis in a theory based contribution analysis evaluation
by guest speaker Serani Siegel
View the video recording here

View or download the slides (PDF) here

19th VEN Event
September 28, 2021, 4-5.30pm CET
Topic: Evaluations in Times of Covid-19. Implications, Consequences and Lessons Learnt
by guest speaker Karin Kohlweg
View the video recording here
View or download the slides (PDF) here

18th VEN Event
May 20, 2021, 4-5.30pm CET

Topic: How can Knowledge Management support M&E?
by guest speakers Silvia Capezzuoli and Ruth Jolly (IMA International)
View the video recording here

View or download the slides (PDF) here

17th VEN Event
February 22, 2021, 4-5.30pm CET
Evaluation of eHealth – Methods, challenges, and recommendations
by guest speaker Christian Boehler (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research)

View or download the slides (PDF) here

16th VEN Event
November 26, 2020, 4-5.30pm CET
Methodological and practical insights into the participatory development of a MEL system: A case study on tracking social outcomes in Ferrero’s hazelnut value chain
by guest speaker Alice Schmidt (Global Health & Sustainability Expert)

View the video recording here
View or download the slides (PDF) here

15th VEN Event
October 1, 2020, 4-5.30pm CET
Sustaining All of our Hard Work: Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate for a sustainable exit from the start
by guest speaker Jindra Cekan/ova (valuing voices)

View the video recording here
View or download the slides (PDF): VEN_2020_Jindra_Cekan_SustainingOurHardWork

14th VEN Event
May 20, 2020, 4-5.30pm CET
Attributing development impact: lessons from action research with the Qualitative Impact Protocol
by guest speaker James Copestake (Bath University, UK)
View or download the slides (PDF): Copestake_QuIP_presentation_VEN_7May2020

13th VEN Event
February 20, 2020, 4-5.30pm CET
Meta-Evaluation: What is it, what is it good for, and how can it be done?
by guest speaker Thomas Vogel (HORIZONT3000)
View or download foto protocoll (PDF): VEN_MetaEvaluation_Vogel_FotoProtokoll

12th VEN Event
November 21, 2019 at 4-5.30pm CET
Researching children: Implications of a special population
by guest speakers Susanne Vogl (University of Vienna)
View or download the slides (PDF): Vogl Researching children_VENSlides_2019

11th VEN Event
October 3, 2019 at 4-5.30pm CET
Evaluation culture: What is needed? What is possible?
by guest speakers Katharina Warta & Klaus Schuch (fteval)
View or download the slides (PDF): Schuch&Warta_FTEVAL_VENSlides_3Oct2019 & FTEVAL_Standards_VENSlides_3Oct2019

10th VEN Event
June 17, 2019 at 4-5.30pm CET
Social impact evaluation: Measuring the social impact of alternative child care and family strengthening services
by guest speaker Rosalind Willi (SOS Children’s Villages)

View or download the slides (PDF): Willi_SocialImpactEvaluation_VENSlides_17Jun2019

9th VEN Event
April 11, 2019 at 4-5.30pm CET
Mixed Methods in Evaluation
by guest speaker Kate Winter (Kate Winter Evaluation)

View or download the slides (PDF): Winter_MixedMethods_VENSlides_11April2019

8th VEN Event
January 23, 2019 at 4-5.30pm CET
Gender Mainstreaming in Evaluation
by guest speaker Angela Wroblewski (Institute for Advanced Studies)

View or download the slides (PDF): Wroblewski_VENSlides_23Jan2019

7th VEN Event
November 14, 2018, 4-5.30pm CET
Learning from Evaluations?
by guest speaker Astrid Ganterer (Austrian Development Agency)
View or download the moderation cards

6th VEN Event
October 22, 2018, 4-5.30pm CET
Transferring evaluation results for evidence-based decision making in other contexts
by guest speaker Christian Boehler
View or download the slides (PDF): Boehler_VENSlides_22Oct2018

5th VEN Event
September 25, 2018, 4-5.30pm CET
Mainstreaming “Value For Money” in Development and Humanitarian Programming
by guest speaker Darko Petrovic
View or download the slides (PDF): Petrovic_VENSlides_25Sep2018

4th VEN Event
June 13, 2018, 3-4.30pm CET
The Role of Programme Theories in Evaluation
By guest speakers Karin Kohlweg and Lisa Ringhofer
View or download the slides (PDF): Kohlweg_Ringhofer_Slides_13June2018

3rd VEN Event
May 9, 2018, 3-4.30pm CET
Evaluating Advocacy and Communication: Challenges and Solutions
by guest speaker Glenn O’Neil
View or download the slides (PDF): ONeil_Slides_9May2018

2nd VEN Event
April 12, 2018, 3-4.30pm CET
What is “Evaluation”? Discussing the Fundamentals
by guest speaker Alfred Uhl

Inaugural VEN Event
January 16, 2018, 2-3.30pm CET
Evaluating effectiveness of complex interventions: Challenges in using RCTs
by guest speaker Ludwig Grillich